
2024年2月14日—...freedownloadoption,youmaycollectcertaintypesofFanInformation....MusicVideos,theArtist's“Music”).Company...royalty-free,right ...,2022年4月17日—Frommybasicunderstanding,BandcampmusicisDRM-freewhenpurchased.I'mvaguelyfamiliarwithwhatDRMis,butunsureifthatqualifiesme ...,2020年2月11日—No,ASCAPhelpsyoulicenseperformancerightsandcollectsperformanceroyalties.Youwouldneedtoregisteryou...

Bandcamp Terms of Use

2024年2月14日 — ... free download option, you may collect certain types of Fan Information. ... Music Videos, the Artist's “Music”). Company ... royalty-free, right ...


2022年4月17日 — From my basic understanding, Bandcamp music is DRM-free when purchased. I'm vaguely familiar with what DRM is, but unsure if that qualifies me ...

Does Bandcamp copyright your music?

2020年2月11日 — No, ASCAP helps you license performance rights and collects performance royalties. You would need to register your music with the US Copyright ...

if I upload my music to Bandcamp, do they really have the ...

2022年4月5日 — I'm still a little confused of what giving them the royalty-free right to publicly perform, stream, distribute... means...

Is music submitted to vulnerable ...

2016年3月29日 — No, technically you should not use them for anything other than simple listening. Putting the tracks into a film requires a separate license ...

Music and merch tagged copyright free on Bandcamp

Shop for vinyl, cassettes, CDs, t-shirts, and other merch tagged copyright free on Bandcamp.

Music and merch tagged royalty free music on Bandcamp

Shop for vinyl, cassettes, CDs, t-shirts, and other merch tagged royalty free music on Bandcamp.